
Frit glaze product solutions

2019-07-10 16:47:23 admin 1282
Frit product solutions
(1) The product include the titanium frits, opaque frits, transparent frits, inkjet frits, polished glaze frits and bigger COE frits.
(2) The product is stable and the range of firing is wide, the frits can meet the different body COE from 180~270 range.
(3) All the batch of products have passed the quality control of Botest Inspection Institutions.
Name of product coding Firing temperature(℃) Product description
Impervious titanium frit FE-06 1080-1130 Large expansion titanium frit
FE-01 1080-1130 High aluminum titanium frit
FE-03 1080-1130 High-silicon titanium frit
FE-09 1080-1130 Super large expansion high titanium frit
Transparent frit FT-102 1080-1130 Ultra-flat transparent frit
FT-105 1080-1130 Hair color transparent frit
FT-107 1080-1130 Mirror small expansion transparent
FT-103 1080-1160 Transparent high temperature frit
FT-109 1080-1180 Transparent high temperature frit
Inkjet frit FP-556 1080-1130 Hair color inkjet frit
FP-558 1080-1130 Ultra-flat inkjet frit
Zirconium white frit FO-688 1080-1130 Ultra-flat zirconium white frit
FO-681 1080-1130 High temperature zirconium white frit

Remarks: The above list only lists some of the products. The actual products are subject to the actual provision of the company.
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